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1.9/2.0 Fr, 30ga Modified Seldinger Introductor Kit
  • 1.9/2.0 Fr, 30ga Modified Seldinger Introductor Kit

1.9/2.0 Fr, 30ga Modified Seldinger Introductor Kit



The 1.9/2.0 Fr, 30ga Modified Seldinger Introductor (MST) Kit provides safe and easy vascular access of premature, neonatal patients as small as 22 weeks/480gm. The MST is designed to be used with our line of neonatal PICC catheters for neonates and has a 0.010-inch (diameter) nitinol guidewire for easy insertion and viable access. The 30ga dilator tearaway protects fragile skin and veins and ensures a far less traumatic catheter placement. MST is a desirable alternative to traditional OTN breakaway needle introducers.

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